Celebrities Born on May 14th

This is a summary the celebrities in our wiki who were born on May 14th. If you notice that we missed a celebrity born this day, please add his or her obituary to our list.

Amber Tamblyn
Born: May 14th 1983 in Santa Monica, United States
Cate Blanchett
Born: May 14th 1969 in Melbourne, Australia
Danny Huston
Born: May 14th 1962 in Rome, Italy
Deanne Bray
Born: May 14th 1971 in Canoga Park, United States
Francesca Annis
Born: May 14th 1945 in London, England
Jack Bruce
Born: May 14th 1943 in Bishopbriggs, Scotland
Jane Brucker
Born: May 14th 1958 in Falls Church, United States
Jessica Raine
Born: May 14th 1982 in Ross-on-Wye, England
Martine McCutcheon
Born: May 14th 1976 in Hackney, England
Miranda Cosgrove
Born: May 14th 1993 in Los Angeles, United States
Nava Mau
Born: May 14th 1992 in Mexico City, Mexico
Robert Zemeckis
Born: May 14th 1952 in Chicago, United States
Sofia Coppola
Born: May 14th 1971 in New York City, United States
Tim Roth
Born: May 14th 1961 in Dulwich London, England
Zareen Khan
Born: May 14th 1987 in Bombay, India

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